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Covid Daily Practices

CDC Guidance on COVID-19 Mitigation Measures 

RELEASED: 05.27.2021

 The CDC announced new guidance concerning COVID-19 mitigation measures for businesses and employers. As such, we want to provide you with an important update on our COVID-19 protocols and related policies. The following changes will be implemented on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, and are subject to change based on continued guidance from the CDC and the State of Pennsylvania: 

Daily Operations 

➢ All associates should stay home when sick and seek appropriate medical care.

  • As not all associates will receive the vaccine, it is important that when you are sick, that you report off work timely, notifying your manager and human resources. 
  • We will continue with contact tracing measures, as deemed appropriate. 
  • We will continue with quarantine measures, as deemed appropriate. 

➢ YGS will continue to maintain our cleaning and disinfecting protocols. 

➢ Effective June 1, 2021, we will no longer:

  • Use the pre-screening application, 
  • Complete the screening questions, 
  • Conduct temperature checks at point of entry. 

➢ Entry into the facility will continue through door No. 2, only. 

➢ We will continue to limit gatherings for onsite meetings, and instead will conduct meetings through Teams, where associates have access, to do so. 

➢ We would like to remind you that, individuals do hold different opinions and beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine. Due to the sensitive nature of this subject, and to avoid conflict in the workplace, we do ask that you refrain from confronting others about their decision around the vaccine. 

Fully Vaccinated Associates 

➢ Fully vaccinated associates are not required to wear masks or socially distance while indoors. 

➢ Important: To prevent upset or undue stress in the workplace, when associates are required to meet face-to-face, should one or more associates indicate that they are not comfortable with others not wearing masks, regardless of vaccination status, masks are required.

  • If you are fully vaccinated, remember to show us your card and you will receive 8-hours of PTO
  • Should fully vaccinated associates become ill and are confirmed through testing to be COVID positive, their related period of leave will be paid by YGS. 

Non-Vaccinated Associates 

➢ Masks and social distancing measures continue to be required for all non-vaccinated associates. 

➢ Non-vaccinated associates who become ill with COVID-19, will be required to follow the quarantine mandates. 

➢ Non-vaccinated associates will be required to use their individual paid time off to cover their COVID-19 related period of absence. 


➢ Associates traveling on business, or to a customer site will need to follow the masking and distancing policies, as defined by the mode of travel, or customer site restrictions that may be in place. 

➢ Associates who travel outside the country and or to areas considered to be of high risk for COVID-19 cases, you will need to alert human resources before your trip. Human resources will advise you on the appropriate return to work measures that are required, based on the specifics of your travel, and recommendations from the CDC, and State of Pennsylvania, at that time. 

Visitors & Vendors 

➢ We will continue to limit non-essential visitors from entering the facilities. 

➢ Lobby doors, which are equipped with breakaway bars, will remain locked to control entry. 

➢ Visitors and, or vendors who have been fully vaccinated, will not be required to wear masks. 

➢ Visitors and, or vendors who have not been fully vaccinated, will be required to wear masks while in our facilities. 

➢ To continue our efforts of protecting the health and safety of our associates, it is the responsibility of those coordinating these visits, to receive their visitor at the point of entry, to provide them with guidance regarding the need to mask, if not vaccinated, while onsite at YGS. 

Thank you for your diligence in adhering to the guidelines to ensure we all remain safe and healthy. We will continue to update our policies as new guidance and recommendations are issued and will communicate those to you as quickly as possible. In the interim, should you have any questions regarding these new guidelines, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you! 

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