- Revenue Strategies
8 Essential Tactics for Attracting Younger Association Members

1. Meet Them Where They Are With the Tools They Need
- Deliver expanded online options (not just because of COVID-19 but because younger people expect it)
- Create mobile-optimized content offerings so young members can engage on their smartphone
- Develop online as well as print publications
- Engage in relevant social media activity
- Provide online communities and networking tools and apps
2. Ask Their Opinion
- Understand what younger members truly want from an association membership
- Generate surveys, both among current members and prospective members
- Create focus groups of younger potential members
- Audit what other associations are doing
- Give younger members real opportunities to get involved, making them feel valued while you gain insightful new perspectives
- Talk to experts who work with a wide range of associations
3. Develop a Member Lifecyle
- Brainstorm your different member types and place them in categories (four can be an ideal number, being sure to include one category for younger members)
- Determine what members are looking for at different stages of their career and offer those benefits
- Consider tiering your pricing so younger members can afford it (and grow with you over time)
4. Actively Invite Them In
- Show young people how membership will benefit them with a targeted marketing campaign
- Create a referral program
- Let younger members know they are needed
- Offer young people a free opportunity to attend a virtual conference or other event, or offer a free trial period
- Connect with colleges and institutions that have relevant programs
5. Have Current Members Share Their Stories
- Create powerful testimonials from members for marketing pieces
- Post videos to social media of members speaking about how membership benefited them early in their career
- Have members explain how membership in your association differs from competing associations
6. Offer Mentorship Programs
- Enable seasoned pros to offer guidance to emerging professionals
- Create an online community with relevant areas to connect people
- Create an under-40 community to allow younger members to network
- Monitor and assess the mentoring program to evaluate its effectiveness
- Share mentoring case studies and success stories
7. Create Relevant Events and Content
- Help young members advance and grow
- Deliver career development workshops and seminars, particularly online
- Offer other career resources including, but that go beyond, a job board
8. Once You Get Them, Keep Them
- Develop a great onboarding experience for new, young members
- Offer a meaningful welcome package, including custom branded apparel that young people would want to wear
- Create a membership card to establish a tangible sense of belonging to a community
- Provide an automated renewal process to make remaining a member easier
- Use modern membership management software to understand how your members are engaging and evolve your tactics based on your findings
Brian Hershey is a YGS senior account manager. Connect with YGS to discuss how we can help you create a bigger pipeline of members.